Universal Cuff for All Ages

Gain more independence today!

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Soft, Hypoallergenic Silicone

Easy to clean and dishwasher safe

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Supports Independence

Approved by teachers and therapists

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Available in Ten Sizes

Stretches up to 3 times it's size

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FREE PDF download

Let’s face it, therapy is tiring work! Checkout this free PDF we created with the help of occupational therapists so you can draw inspiration for fun and useful OT activities to do with EaZyHold.

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EaZyHold in the Media

Who is it for?

EaZyHold cuff makes daily activities more accessible for everyone. Children and adults with limited hand mobility use it to securely hold everyday objects, improve their independence and quality of life.

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What conditions can it help?

EaZyHold is not only a tool for those with special needs, such as Cerebral Palsy, but an enhancer for anyone looking to improve their grip. These grips are soft, hypoallergenic, and 100% food-grade silicone.

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What objects can it adapt?

Discover the perfect fit with EaZyHold’s 10 size lineup to accommodate a diverse range of needs and activities! Commonly used on eating utensils, toothbrushes, markers and much more!

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EazyHold is Changing Lives

Read honest reviews from real customers:

Dear EazyHold, today my daughter did something she was never able to do before. Color her first Father's Day card. Thank you so much for making this happen with your awesome product!

Amy Fields‎

What a fantastic product! I thought of about 20 different patients simultaneously when I discovered these and have not stopped promoting them since.

Erica Reeves

I love this product. I was a pediatric OT for 45 years and every other utensil holder (i.e., universal cuff) that I tried was always too big. I started making my own with neoprene, but this product is so much better. It is very easy to use and keep clean...and they come in such a wide variety of sizes. Really worth looking in to.

Sylvia Jeanne Rodoni Koutz

Thank you soooo much for our new Eazyhold devices!! They are AWESOME!!! Now Chloe can play with her chimes, her musical triangle, eat suckers & color without dropping her markers! We will certainly be sharing your info with all her friends at school!

Kirsten Fosgate Boothe